More clients, less cost

Neomenu's ordering system will allow you to increase revenue, save time and improve the comfort of your customers.

Our Product

Neomenu is a complete suite for your restaurant. It consists of 4 views, one for each type
of person who interacts with your restaurant, be it a customer, a waiter, a cook or a manager.
Each table has a QR code assigned to it - your customers only need to scan it and start
ordering straight to your kitchen.


Your customers scan the table's QR code and browse your restaurant's menu. They can order items or ask for the waiter's assistance.


Waiters use this view to generate table QR codes, have an overview of the tables and easily see which customers need attention.


These are the places where requests go to. A bar can receive beverage requests, a kitchen can handle food. You decide.


Manage your restaurants, create new categories, waiters, items and so on. Will include statistics for you to analyze your growth.


Choose the package that fits your needs.


1 Restaurant

2 Stations

5 Waiters

50 Tables

200 Items

An affordable solution for your restaurant.


Per Month


5 Restaurants

5 Stations (per restaurant)

15 Waiters (per restaurant)

100 Tables (per restaurant)

300 Items (per restaurant)

For individuals who manage a few restaurants.


Per Month


50 Restaurants

10 Stations (per restaurant)

30 Waiters (per restaurant)

250 Tables (per restaurant)

1000 Items (per restaurant)

Businesses operating a large numbers of restaurants.


Per Month